

We are on the run to” The Wonderful World of Naturopathy.” This newsletter topic will continue with Iridology, studying the eye’s iris. That it! The eye’s iris examines patients’ constitutional health from a microscopic perspective. It’s interesting how naturopaths are trained to see through microscopic areas of the eye to determine the health of the human body. Naturopaths are not focusing on replacing but on creating a space for direct patient care to be more personalized to encourage, inspire, and empower patients to understand how to improve their health and to become aware of their current status health. Iridology dates back to the 1800s. Refers to using iridology charts to identify inflammation, state of blood circulation, organ vitality, potential infections, and sensitivity (COE, 2022). Naturopaths in training, are you ready to look in the window of your neighbor’s eye?

The level of Signs of Iridology

There are three signs of Iridology to determine the condition of the iris markings: acute, subacute, chronic, or degenerative (COE, 2022). The description of the iris on the acute signs is inflammation displays mucus, swelling, and sensitivity (COE, 2022). The description of the iris on the subacute signs of markings are darker and white, which displays slow blood circulation, low blood count, and means failure to heal wounds and patients experiencing fatigued (COE, 2022). Finally, the description of the iris on the chronic or degenerative signs displaying black holes demonstrates organ failure with accumulated bodily wastes and malfunctioning nerve transmission, which could mean the failure of proper biochemical communication in the body (COE, 2022). 

The Seven Zones of Iris 

The seven zones are located in each eye’s iris (COE, 2022). The seven zones are associated with one or more body parts or areas (COE, 2022). The right side of the eye’s iris corresponds to the right side of the body (COE, 2022). The left side of the eye’s iris corresponds to the left side of the body (COE, 2022). The seven zones located in each of the iris are: 

Zone 1 – Stomach,

 Zone 2 – Intestines, 

Zone 3 – Heart, bronchi, pancreas, adrenals, pituitary, pineal gland, and bladder, 

Zone 4 – Prostate, uterus, and skeleton, 

Zone 5 – Brain, lung, liver, spleen, kidneys, and thyroid,

 Zone 6 – Muscles, motor nerves, lymph nodes, and circulatory system

 Zone 7 – Skin, hair, nails, and sensory nerves

Naturopaths Using Iridology

Iridology is an excellent tool for assessing patients’ iris by photographing the entire eyes individually (COE, 2022). Before meeting with the clients, the naturopaths will use an iridology chart to determine how healthy or unhealthy each part or organ is functional (COE, 2022). For example, the iridology chart can reveal that patients are suspicious of diabetes, cholesterol buildup, hypertension, liver condition, kidney condition, male and female reproductive system issues, etc. The naturopaths will gather the information from the iridology chart, meet with patients for analysis consultation and prescribe treatment plans for the patients to start (COE, 2022). What is interesting about naturopaths using Iridology and Iridology charts is they stem from Traditional Chinese medicine’s philosophy. The eyes have been popularly known as the window to the person’s soul (COE, 2022). Tradition Chinese Medicine reveals the constitutional of the person’s health and wellness (COE, 2022). It gives a microscopic view of how well the body is in a harmonious flow or none at all—giving hope and guidance on health restoration.

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