Welcome To The World of Naturopathy

The Wonderful World of Naturopathy: Approaches of Healing Naturally

In the society of natural healing, it embraces holistic healing and promotion of self-healing in patients. In the field of Naturopathy there are eight topics: Nutritional Therapy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Iridology, Western Herbal Medicine, Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy, and Homeopathy. Naturopathy focuses on non-invasive procedures and delivering energy therapies by the uses of acupuncture, acupressure, and moxibustion (COE, 2022). Naturopaths uses different balance mechanisms. Naturopathy term, Praevenic, mean cleaning up to create an environment for the body to optimal healing and optimal functioning (COE, 2022). Water is the foundation of vitality and revitalizing the body after sickness, surgery, and other physical imbalance (COE, 2022). Under normal circumstances, the human body needs at least 2 liters of water which is equivalent to 1 galloon. Water maintains the body pH and maintain mineral balance as well. Water is imperative for the body to meet the anatomic needs and physiological needs. This newsletter, I will be discussing two of the principles of Naturopathy, Ayurveda Principle and Nutritional Therapy.
Nutritional Therapy is defined as a holistic (COE, 2022).  Nutritional therapy addresses the dietary and physical imbalance by asking patients to bring food diary to the initial consultation alongside assess their smoking habits, alcoholic consumption habits, sleep habits, exercise habits, taken prescription medications, and stress management skills (COE, 2022). Naturopaths take all these factors into play by being able to identify patients who are emotional eaters and identifying foods which are trigger spots for patients (COE, 2022).  Naturopaths create eating plans in the nutritional therapy to assists their patients to better healing physically from chronic illnesses and other health challenges (COE, 2022).   Naturopaths encourages patients in eating more micronutrients and macronutrients create an optimal environment for healing and functionality (COE, 2022).
Ayurveda Principle promote balance in patients reaching emotional, physical, and spiritual state (COE, 2022).  Ayurveda uses the combination of lifestyle choices, herbal medicines, exercise, and religious practices (COE, 2022). Ayurveda principle teaching the patients about energy and matter and how it is use for the naturopaths to measure imbalances from blood circulation, organ functionality, cell to cell communication and skin condition and emotional regulation (COE, 2022).  The five elements which is use in this principle are: fire, earth, ether, water, and air (COE, 2022). The five elements each are descriptors of different aspects of body building blocks of life (COE, 2022). They consist of: earth reflects structural elements of the body, air and ether reflects circulation, water reflects body secretions and fluid, and fire reflects metabolism (COE, 2022).
Breathing Exercises, Meditation, and Yoga all play a role in positioned the body for healing state (COE, 2022). In the healing state in physically, emotionally, and spiritually while relaxing the patient into serenity (COE, 2022). There are three types of breathing exercises are: Nadi Shodhana, Bhastrika, and Sheetali (COE, 2022). Nadi Shodhana is a one nostril breathing exercises with deep inhalation to relieve anxiety (COE, 2022).  Bhastrika, this breathing exercises benefits patients with improving metabolism, digestion, and elimination (COE, 2022). This exercise increases oxygenation in the lungs. Sheetali, the breathing exercises in cooling the body in the emotional or physically (COE, 2022).References:
COE. (2022). Naturopathy. Centre of Excellence. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from https://www.centreofexcellence.com/course/naturopathy-diploma/